It’s Been A Good Day

I have recently connected with my Grade nine art teacher, Mr. David F. Carlin.  He was an inspiration when I was a young art student attending Widdifield Secondary School in North Bay, Ontario and it is interesting that over all of these miles and years, I still feel the impact he made upon my life.  I see it in my art.  I saw it in my teaching.  I experience it in the way I view the world.  It is a good day, when serendipity renews a connection that was so strong for so many years ago.  Today I received this message via facebook.

“…just a short line to say that I do remember you very well…I am sooooooo glad to hear from you!!!..I dug out my computer to say hi…I am in the middle of plastering my green room to prepare for more video and I also took advantage of this time to give my arm a rest!!!!!!!!!…looks like we have a lot to catch up on!!!!!!…I move to Havana in a month with no internet for 5 there in an old wooden house for 5 months of the year..!!!Cogeco will be filming here on Thursday so I have stress with you later” 

I feel like this, in itself, made it a good day!  But…look!  It continues!

Last night, late, I received this message from a parent of a former student.  It read like this.

“Saw you on line and wanted to tell you that we just got back from Edmonton where Jenna has a show. Her Masters in Design is complete and the work was amazing. You know you had a hand in steering her towards the arts.”

And in Jenna’s words…

Jenna Hill

MDes candidate in Industrial Design

“It is my intention to examine the interrelation of design and community. I believe design has the ability to influence our actions, determine our attitudes, and meaningfully shape our relationship to the world. This said, I feel that the transition toward more sustainable ways of living will require a re-evaluation of our societal goals, specifically our definitions of well-being. Design will be an important factor in interpreting and realizing this transition. Through my research and thesis project I hope to draw upon the resources and expertise present at the University to deepen my understanding of design methods.”

I’m so very proud of you, Jenna and as always, pray that life is filled with good health and many blessings.

I was able to reconnect this afternoon with two of my former students at the Bee Kingdom open house!  As usual, this event did not disappoint…but the fact that Tim and Elisabeth were together, made it even more ‘magical’. 

I tend to hang on to pieces of art and take good care of them when students don’t pick them up or file them in their portfolios and I treasure opportunities to return these works to their creators.

So, over a glass of wine, and some yummy appetizers, I gave Elisabeth her piece of art.  Tim and Phil will soon be heading for Berlin, so I felt that this open house was a tad bitter-sweet and I did NOT take the glass blowing demonstrations for granted, but really enjoyed them.  I will miss you, Tim and Phil, but wish the Bees healthy hives and everything that is wonderful!

Junior High Art Project: 17 years later!


Three Amazing People!



My Wonderful Daughter and Tim

This has not only been a good day, it has been an exceptional day!  I am grateful!