What Rea Wrote

Rea wrote: “You should add a paragraph of P names so if P Mason Googles himself he might find this post… You can also hide the text I bet or colour it white if you don’t want a big long obvious list of names on your blog. Good luck with the search! “

I think this is a great idea.  In fact, it’s crossed my mind.  The reason it crossed my mind, of course, was because I wondered if doing a google search for a P. Mason would be adequate.  So…I am going to include some possibilities here and then perhaps someone will hit upon this entry when searching for their own name.  (Come on now.  I know you’ve done it!)  Who’s to say that P. Mason is male?  I immediately made the assumption that because of the content and the approach, this was a MAN’S photograph.  Not necessarily.  It made sense that I began with P. and then Peter.  Actually, I began with P. Mason and the word photography….then, expanded to Peter. 

I don’t believe it to be Paul Mason’s work.  There is a little snow in Peter Mason’s portfolio! It struck me that Peter Mason, the photographer (another one), was achieving an entirely different style from this…am I wrong? 

Peter Mason
Pierre Mason
Paul Mason
hmmm…apart from the word, PESTO, nothing is coming to mind right now…
Paula Mason
Patricia Mason
Percival Mason
Pete Mason (oh dear, I’m back to that again…)  I’m wondering why Rea would suggest that I hide a long list on my blog?  White?  OH!  I know!  Did she make this suggestion because likely this is the most ridiculous series of posts I’ve ever written!?  Could it be?  I think I’m onto something!  It feels much like a series of “Where’s Waldo?”  It matters not!  I’m having fun!

To offer up a context for this madness, I’m waiting for potatoes to boil.  Suggestions would be welcome.  P. Mason, I adore this photograph…but won’t use it as a reference for a painting until or unless I find you!  And…I know that my HUGE following is wondering, “Where are you, Rea?”

Post Script:
Phillip Mason
Philip Mason (the potatoes are soft now…off to eat a late dinner!)