Eco Warrior Alert!

I have received a list of ecologically sound practices for your summer vacation from my young Eco Warrior living in Rodney, Ontario.  I am providing you with this list and encourage all of you to participate, where you can, this summer.  Hyperlinks are new for me in the blogging world, so I hope you will tolerate my goofing around with them for awhile.  I think that they will provide me with an alternative to cutting and pasting information that I think is relevant and enjoy on this blog.  You, the reader, can then choose.

Thank you, Eric, for the thought that went into creating this list and perhaps you can send me a photograph of the school garden that you are maintaining through the summer and I can post it here.  I think you would enjoy the book, Dear Mr. Henshaw for your summer reading…the note, following your list, gave me that idea.

Here is your list for summer energy savers.

1. Use daylight, no lamps in the day time
2.turn down A.C.
3. play outside instead of watching TV
4.use a programmable thermostat to lower A.C. when your not at home.
%.wash clothes in cold water
6. change over light bulbs to low energy type.
7. make your own Earth Hour with your friends.
8. walk or ride your bike instead of driving your car
9. use the BBQ instead of the oven or stove
10. tell everyone you know about this list.

Hope you like my list. Thank you for asking me to make one for you.
Mrs.Ford made me the official ECO Warrior of my school and a few other kids
too.We check classrooms at recess to make sure the lights are off. The
teachers room is off limits to the Eco team. The teachers room has many
windows and the lights are still on and they don’t recycle very good.They
would sure get a ticket if I could go in there. hahaha

A Treasured Summer Moment 2009

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