Rumble House: September 23, 2015 Equinox

On the autumn equinox, we gathered at the Rumble House to celebrate our love of art, family and friends.  It’s as though a magnet drew us to the Rumble.  For one last time, we could paint with Enriquito, laugh and cry.  Life is marked by “Happy Birthdays” and tears.  Last night it was so…we offered up another good-bye.  Selfismo, we love you.

I was quite late AGAIN…but I got started on a very long panel and will finish it next week at the battle.  I enjoyed conversation and the support of my friend, Michael.  I tackled a subject that I’ve wanted to paint over the last few weeks, but instead focused, on completing Chief Poundmaker.  It was great to connect with Dylan last night.

Kath's Canon, September 23, 2015 Heron Art Grade 4 Poundmaker 077

And…onto the next painting.

A few weeks ago I was following the story of a great blue whale that had become trapped in fishing line and was showing signs of distress.  A search began to assist the whale, but once the weather had changed for the worse, the search was called off and the news story disappeared.

It isn’t any sort of secret what would be the demise of the blue whale, if not helped…it would be an exhaustive death and a drowning.  A disappearance.  A good-bye.

Crews Try to Save Blue Whale Trapped in Netting

“Whale watchers first saw the leviathan — estimated to be about 75-feet long — about five miles south of Point Fermin Lighthouse in San Pedro. It was pulling about 300 feet of line attached to a buoy, Salas said.

“We’ve seen a lot of blue whales these past few months, and everything seemed ordinary at first, but then our captain noticed the whale was dragging a buoy,” said Salas, who has been in the whale-watching business since 1990. “We immediately notified the Coast Guard and NOAA, and our captain stayed with the whale.”

Salas said the whale has been swimming, diving for the krill it feeds on and breathing regularly.

Blue whales are the largest mammals on earth and are thought to be the largest mammals to have ever lived on the planet.”

Later…CBS Los Angeles wrote ‘The rescuers tied a second, larger buoy to the buoy line to more easily keep tabs on the whale.’

Fishing nets and gear are a huge challenge to cetaceans and again, because the story of the sea is not visible to us, citizens of the world forget or push the sad facts out of consciousness. What of our covenant with nature…what of our covenant with God?

The painting is in progress and will be completed next Rumble on September 30th. I want the piece to capture a dynamic between the pristine environment seen from the surface and the tension of the impact of our consumption and our disregard. Stay tuned.

Last night, I really spent time looking around the room at the faces of these people I love. I appreciate the thoughtful sharing of chicken enchiladas prepared by Christine…and chocolate cake provided by ‘the house’. Every week, we share and build a narrative and I am so grateful for being a wee piece of the family. Thank you, Rich and Jess.

Beautiful yellow lion.
Surrounded by Enriquito.
Morgan’s tribute piece.
Father and son…
The sheep…
First time at the auction…Megan….and always artists and audience, stepping up to take on the mic at auction.
Nick…and only one more week to see the show at Essentia!  Go!
An animated conversation broke out…and often does…discussion about the Enriquito portraits series painted by An Dong.
Loving words spoken at the microphone…look at those faces.
Our missionary-artist…quotes beautiful scripture with us every time she attends.  She is embraced.  Ethiopia is her next stop.
And then we broke out in singing Happy Birthday!  Tears started in many of us…I was thinking after singing, ‘how many of our group miss singing that song with their own family each year?’  It was very powerful!  Happy birthday, Cam…and thank you for all you contribute to this on-going vision.
Internationally recognized artist, Francis Wiley, is a gift to us as well.  Follow his events and projects here in Calgary.  We are blessed to have him!
Nick always explores literature with us…formerly, Lewis Carroll and last night, A Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce.
Enriquito’s last painting at auction and appropriately, Eileen won.  The room went silent.