What’s happenin’ at my house?

I stood in line…23rd in line, at the drug store post office.  It was the second time I’ve done that in the past week and I am proud to say that I went at the experience, having coached myself for the second time, into being ‘light’ to the line-up.  I was the one chatting it up with the couple who have been married for twenty-four years because ‘he’ was willing to hold her heavy green and obviously feminine purse over ‘his’ shoulder for ‘her’ as ‘she’ shifted weight from one high heeled foot to the other for the duration.  I met the wee nine month old who managed, in the heat, to be of good nature while his mother remained the same.  Eventually, I made the front of the line.

Max and I headed enthusiastically for our off leash experience…finding it dark already, but the weather mild, with no wind.  Christmas lights have sprung up throughout the neighbourhood and I was left with a wonderful and magical feeling as we headed home.

Arriving, I quickly phoned my mother and father. By that time, I had missed our Skype date.  As is usual, hearing their voices warmed my heart and then it was time to plug in the tree lights, pour the rum and eggnog and dip into Frogger’s chocolate jujubes.  (I bought five of these boxes to share with others…now I have four.)

Now…for the big chill.  My boy, Peanut, exemplifies that feeling the best!  Since I’ve taken away his hang-out carpet in order to make room for the Christmas tree, he has, without any hesitation, taken over Max-man’s chair.  This makes me smile.

P1080887It was while I was taking my first jujube nibbles and washing those nibbles down with rum and eggnog that I came upon this very fine work created by my friend, Jen.  This particular website is called I Am Worth So Much More.  An awesome piece of work!  I hope that some of the resources can be of assistance to young ladies who are ‘trying to find their place in the world’!

It has been a very busy few days, with a whack of things packed into each and every day.  I hope to write about some of it over the next while…but, if I don’t get to it…Heh!  That’s alright too!  Hoping that my readers are also enjoying their seasonal preparations and rituals…and that you also, find the time to chill!

December’s Calendar