New Artists Welcomed Before the Tree of Life

It was a beautiful afternoon spent in the St. Anne’s Room!  When there are other like-minded artists who will join me in prayer, conversation and painting, it makes the experience such a blessing!  Helen joined us for a visit also.  And when Helen joins me, I always learn something!  Not a verbose entry here…but, an opportunity to express my joy and gratitude.  Topics we chatted about were…halos, wings, angels, Padre Pio, Sarah, Isabella, Philip, Saints, Litany of the Saints, brushstrokes, brush scrubbing, gloss medium, history, the colours gold and purple and their symbolism, royalty, virtues, obedience…I’d say that was quite an interesting afternoon!

A prayer that the two young children shared with me.

Angel of God
My guardian dear
To Whom His love
Commits me here
Ever this day
Be at my side
To light and guard
To rule and guide. Amen