Halloween in the Time of Covid.

As December approaches, many of us have celebrated our Covid birthday celebrations. It was different, wasn’t it? Several of my friends are enjoying really significant birthdays and yet I chose not to celebrate with them, given the risks and the concerns around gatherings. It makes me sad that I am missing them during really special times of their lives, but I am really determined to keep the people I love safe.

Halloween was really different this year. For one, Max wasn’t home with me. I haven’t written his tribute as a post yet because I’m just not ready, but on October 31 of last year, Max reinjured himself for the final time. While he managed for another year, almost, it was a different year for him. It was quiet and his walks were shorter and more thoughtful than ever before. He really struggled through this year, the year of Covid. What I am most grateful for, however, was the fact that I was home with him around the clock and that I shared his last year with him, immersed in love. Snacks were readily available and begging was allowed. I’m sure he found this confusing.

This year, on Halloween night, I headed over to my grandson’s to celebrate ‘revised’ Halloween, where everyone in his neighbourhood was a hero, making fun for children and parents by creating a new normalcy. I was really impressed. This year, three, Steven was going out as Rider of Paw Patrol and so, his Gramma dressed as Chase, one of Rider’s Patrol. We are creating so many memories.

Second Halloween Bumblebees at Mommy and Daddy’s
Third Halloween Teddy Bears
Fourth Halloween Paw Patrol Chase and Rider

Pumpkin decoration happened the night before dress up night.  Look at my handsome grandson and his Mommy!

I took some photographs of the magic that was created by my neighbours before heading out for the dress up event shared with my grandson.  

Door to door was magical, as so many neighbours made special effort to create magic for the little ones.  There were all sorts of contraptions for passing out candy safely and all of this ingenuity contributed to the celebration of the night.  I’m grateful that Steven was able to enjoy a night of fun.  In the midst of a global pandemic it is really special to make positive memories.