Women Painting Women Painting Women

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Just last Thursday, I attended an exhibit at the University of Calgary, Women Painting Women.  Participating was a diverse group of four artists, Isabelle Hunt-Johnson, Donna MacDonald, Bonnie Scott & Wanda Rottenfusser.  I was so happy to be viewing the exhibit with friends, Cheryl and Tami.

The following is the event descriptor…

Women Painting Women is an international movement that explores how contemporary women painters are handling women as subjects. The goal is to “promote the visibility of contemporary female artists portraying female subjects in the figurative traditions and showcase the quality, variety and breadth of women making figurative art in the 21st century”.

The movement began as a Women Painting Women Blog in 2009 showcasing treatments of the female form as painted by female artists. It has since expanded to include exhibitions in the UK and the US and now throughout the world. We are delighted to bring this international movement to Calgary to encourage and inspire all figurative artists especially women.

This was a truly enjoyable and interesting evening.  The conversations were enlightening and I am so pleased that I had opportunity.  Thanks, Cheryl.


What I’d really like to see happen is an exhibit of Women Painting Women Painting Women.  This means that you would need to have someone create a photo reference of you, painting women.  The photo reference, after collection, would be dispersed to another female artist participating in the project.  These works would then be archived or even exhibited at some future date.  Message me if you have any interest in this.

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