DIY Monday

I purchased my Black and Decker Mouse some years ago for projects just like this one.  Things seem to be coming along…as the paint gets down on certain surfaces, I begin lightly sanding in preparation for primer and at the same time, begin fresh surfaces on new pieces.  I had a visit with Breanna Stone this morning…really looking forward to writing a wee sketch about the goings-on in her life since grade seven.  What a blessing to have such time…a treasure indeed!

This is going to be brief.  I have to go to the dentist later in the afternoon and I need to go and do some deep breathing.  I really don’t do well handling the anxiety around these visits.

To begin with...l

To begin with…


The Mouse: Awesome!

Get into those hard-to-reach-places. :0)

Following one layer of Heirloom product and leaving remover on for 20 full minutes.