Cherry Ames: Student Nurse by Helen Wells

Recently I have seen a number of cast off books reinvented as journals, notebooks and art and so I have kept my eyes open for unusual bits when I go looking for my panels for painting on Wednesday night at the Gorilla House.  So, I gathered up a few interesting ones just today and I’m going to post some of the more unique features of some of them here. (This, a way to avoid putting the boxes of tree ornaments downstairs, now that I have dragged my poor dry tree to the back alley for the wood chipper.)

Cherry Ames: Student Nurse by Helen Wells is the first book of a series produced in 1943.  Inside this particular copy, I found a piece of folded paper towel.  Carefully, I unfolded the towel to reveal four leafed clover!  Does this mean good fortune for this year?  I think so!
