Changing the Landscape: One Bag At a Time


April 23, 2012 4:30 p.m. Weather: 26 degrees, sunshine, cloud, terrific wind.  Saturday, this week, marks the end of my stewardship of this particular location, Frank’s Flats, edging on South Fish Creek Recreational Association.  This afternoon was a spectacular time for heading over to the flats to case out the status of the park for my Canada-Wide Pitch-In team who will be coming out with me to celebrate my last pickin’.

Boxes: Everywhere!

As I approached on foot, I was devastated by the  absolute wreck of the slopes…strewn with empty pizza boxes and Booster Juice product boxes.  It took me multiple trips up and down the hill to retrieve all of the cardboard that evidently had been chucked while a group was in party mode.

And MORE Boxes!

It appears to me that there was some involvement with Booster Juice,  and I’m wondering if they found any of their cartons of product to be missing on one of their recent deliveries.

Twenty Large Booster Juice Cartons