Max’s World: Off to the Groomers and a New Toy!

Max and Peanut


I dropped Max to the groomers this morning.  I’ve used Dogsville for my dog’s care since Laurie was a young man and Patti lived over one street from me.  Her business was run from her garage-studio.  Patti has always had a love for dogs and a confidence that I didn’t find anywhere else.  I’ll post a photo of Max after I pick him up this afternoon.  He’s getting his coat thinned out and having a nice bath.  What Max isn’t so sure about is our separation and that is exactly why this is a good idea!

Recently Max threw his ‘sheepy’ toy into his water dish.  It was such a ‘washed up’ toy anyway, that I just pitched it into the garbage.  Just a few days ago, my cousin, purchased a new ‘sheepy’ from the dollar store and then got some pretty cute shots of Max with his new toy.  Even late in the evening, he chose not to surrender that particular toy and gently folded his head over it.

May I have the toy?

Get It, Max!

I love my new toy! Do you want to throw it?

A Wonderful Day!