Sidebar: Bees


Ok…so, it’s one in the morning and I know that I’ve been reading/writing/thinking too much.  I tried to sit in front of a dark and disturbing episode of Criminal Minds, as a distraction from my own MIND, but no such luck!  I came upon a blog and was totally charmed by the adventure of it all and the challenges that Catherine Jaffe takes on with her quick wit, amazing desire to learn and her love for all things BEES!

It brought to mind a friend of mine, Verna Reid, and her book, Construction of Self in the Work of Sharon Butala, Aganetha Dyck, Mary Meigs and Mary Pratt.  One of the women who assisted her in the exploration of women’s identity was Aganetha Dyck.  I was wondering if perhaps Catherine had explored the amazing art works of this inspirational and strong woman.  I DO find Aganetha’s work inspiring!  In a few short minutes, I found another blogger who has featured some images of her work and also, a short biography.  BEE inspired!

While on the subject, I’ve got to recommend Sue Monk Kidd’s, The Secret Life of Bees and Gail Anderson-Dargatz’ A Recipe For Bees, both excellent books!