The Train Visits the Pond 10:00 – 11:30

Walking the very same path each day, in order to document the atmosphere surrounding a single Dogwood bush at a pond’s edge, for a year, gives me the opportunity to observe what happens in nature; and on the flip side, it causes me to notice what’s happening outside of the changes in the natural world.

Bush February 16, 2016 1056 beauty, warmth, time

If I do a morning visit, say between 10 and 11:30,  I get to wave to the train.  Max barks and runs excitedly.  I stand still as it passes because the markings on the bellies of each car, inevitably cause me to wonder.  I know that graffiti can really annoy people, especially if it appears on historical sites.  That annoys me also.  But, given mobility, I think it’s interesting to think about the personalities that lie on the other end of the marks.  I wonder about the place, time and character behind each tag.  I wonder about the journey that the text has taken.  In fact, I wonder so much that I will likely research some of them.  Life is learning, right?  I’ve got a lifetime of wondering ahead of me.

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Today, I decided to just snap away as the train went by…loud roar on the tracks…bells serving as warnings for the city pedestrians, down the line a short distance.  I have some favourites in this series.  Finding a neat song to play at the same time…just a sec.