Where are you, Ronnie Burkett? Connecting with a photograph!

I am continuing to explore Edward Burtynsky’s present-day exhibit, Encounters, featured at the Glenbow Art Gallery, one photgraph at a time.  A tremendous puppeteer and artist in his own right, Ronnie Burkett selected Burtynsky’s photograph, Temagami #18, Abandoned Iron Ore Mines, Sherman Mines, Ontario1991. 

Temagami #18, Abandoned Irone Ore Mines, Sherman Mines, Ontario 1991 Edward Burtynsky

This photograph is a part of Glenbow’s permanent collection.  Again, I am no stranger to Temagami and that part of the world, so this image feels personal.  The very small image that I am able to include here does not give justice to the overall message in Burkett’s narrative.  His message feels very optimistic and views the setting of Burtynsky’s image as just that, a set…he envisions the space as a theatrical environment…a stage backdrop and delivers an amazing description of the space.


The East Pit of Sherman Mine in Temagami, Ontario from the air. M. Nelson via Wikipedia