February: Black History Month

The participating artists at the John Dutton Theatre, the night of February 11th were…

Ellipsis Tree Collective
Cheryl Foggo
– Historian and Novelist
Malcolm Mooney – Poet and visual artist
Brian Johnstone – Jazz Musician
Luis Elpana Tovar – Percussionist
Toto Barro – Drummer
Kefyalew Fente – Krar Player

This was a heart-warming and very entertaining evening.  We were introduced to a small part of African geography through the performers’ introductions, stories and performances.  I was swept up in the exquisite beats, dance and readings. Malcolm Mooney was especially entertaining as he considered the title, Black History Month, in his first poem.  He suggests, in good humour, that the month might be called instead, African Month or Descendants of Africa Month.  His poem underlined the fact that appreciation has to come for any reason BUT for the colour of skin.  His first poem dealt exclusively with our difficulty with the stereotypes built around BLACK; black magic…black hats…the villain dressed in black, darkness being equated with evil….and finally, living on the dark side.  His poetry was rich and delivered with intent.