
The same evening I attended the Peter von Tiesenhausen opening at Jarvis Hall Fine Art, my daughter joined me for a panel at Glenbow’s Theater. Bart Habermiller, Tim Westbury and Xstine Cook shared a rich and inspiring background on the Graceland experience and its legacy. Graceland was the seven-acre former junkyard that Habermiller transformed into an alternative art space in the 80s and 90s.

As I was researching for this subject, I found a great history described by another blogger, Home of the Muses. A short history of Graceland as a connect with his post about the Vending Machine at the Glenbow, appears here. I highly recommend!

Some notebook pages for you to ponder.

That evening with Bart Habermiller, Tim Westbury, and Xstine Cook absolutely blew my mind and I felt it was so disappointing that it was not better-attended. However, as is the norm, there was so much going on in the arts community on that particular night! Just for the record, I am so very grateful for my choices that evening! Stories reminded me a lot about my experience in the art department of the University of Lethbridge in the early 1970s. I was a part of something very special at the time and know that, especially, in looking back. What a reference point!

P1160522 P1160523 P1160524 P1160525 P1160526 P1160527 P1160528My notes…sketchy and also including some names, jotted with incorrect spellings.  I apologize for that, but treasure the wee snippets of personal narrative shared during the three talks and countless images shared on a rolling slide show.  It all felt so magical…a huge disclosure of the very personal experiences of three artists.
I’ve also taken screen shots of a fabulous article that gives a detailed history of the same years, Bart Habermiller: A State of Grace in Calgary, written by Debbie O’Rourke in 1996.
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Photo Credit: Graceland Facebook Page Photo of Frank Landry taken by Grace Colton

Photo Credit: Graceland Facebook Page Photo of Frank Landry taken by Grace Colton 1954

Panel Discussion Gratitude to Kayleigh Hall Nancy Tousley Tim Westbury Xstine Cook  Bart Habermiller

Panel Discussion: Glenbow Theater April 2014 Gratitude to Kayleigh Hall, Nancy Tousley

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