Lisecki and Remnants of a Past

Darcy Lisecki and I shared a short conversation while I pulled out my paints last evening.  He passed these two photographs over to me and likely saw my eyes light up.  He had found them tossed…garbage.  We shared a few words about that and then he gave them to me.  I’m pretty grateful.  These will be added to my treasures of a past conversation, mostly between Gordon and Eddie.

P1130257 P1130258Sunday, August 24, 1938

(Gordan’s photo, not mine)

Taken up the infant Elbow R. into Rockies from a car (Eddie’s) at nightfall. Very typical.  But here the ‘ranger road’ ie. really only for use of fire wardens in land rovers, got so rough we wondered if we’d even get back.P1130259 P1130263Eddie wading thro Bragg Creek nr. where we picknicked. (taken by Gordon)

When I asked him when he first began to make art, Darcy told me that he sold his first piece of art to his Grade four teacher.  It was a drawing of a chair in perspective.

This got me thinking about a recent project…

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