Changing the Landscape: One Bag At a Time

An edit: In the last slide of my published youtube, I spelled circumference incorrectly.  I just don’t have it in me to pull the project off, in order to make the correction.

March 22, 2012 6:00 p.m. Weather 1 degree, clear skies, bring sun, a layer of fresh snow on the ice of just yesterday.

Findings: I attempted to get a start on the school slope.  It is in an outrageous condition and will take quite some time to clean up.  Much in the way of food containers, sandwich bags, fast food packaging and more plastic bags.  The most interesting find was a plastic skeletal hand.  I begin to wonder about the burned pages of a book/manual in a foreign script.  I’ve been finding these pages strewn everywhere since the beginning of this project.

Writing is a struggle against silence. Carlos Fuentes

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