
I arrived in London, England early in the morning Friday, the 13th of July…a light fog, but a pretty uneventful landing and a step into a strange, old and hugely busy place!  A couple of trains later and I found myself stepping into my oldest daughter’s world…a place where large snails come crawling out of the damp rich green and out onto the sidewalks late at night.  Large hydrangeas bloom by the roadside and roses triple the size of ours at home in Canada, grow everywhere.
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I love the brick houses, row on row, topped with terra cotta shingles/tiles and stacked chimneys reminding me again and again of scenes from Mary Poppins.  Although I’m experiencing a tremendous lag, I’m absolutely present to the new sites and sounds and relishing every moment of it.

It was beautiful to be standing at the edge of the English Channel yesterday…smelling salty air and enjoying the carnival atmosphere of Brighton.  I picked up a couple of water-worn seashells and my daughter passed me an accompanying stone formed much like a vessel…I feel so happy about it all

We were visiting Brighton, not only to visit such wee shops as The Mad Hatter and little second-hand shops in search of Grindley porcelain creamers, but also to take in a wonderful pub dinner followed by a Damien Rice concert.  He was in ‘magical’ form and from a central position in front of the stage I managed some great photographs…he shared several disjointed narratives that left us smiling…and his music was powerfully presented through his dynamic vocals and writing.  An awesome evening…topped with a flat tire on a major highway…and the change of that very tire through some excellent teamwork and good will.  I’ve not brought my cord for posting photographs, so will have to share those when I return to Canada…and I will not have access for the journey through Italy….thought I’d just get a brief note posted here this morning while you back at home, begin your night’s sleep.  Good night.

1 thought on “London/Brighton

  1. Sounds absolutly wonderful. 🙂  I cant wait to someday travel.  I know that as soon as I make it happen, I\’ll be addicted to seeing new things, new places and experiencing everything around me.  🙂  Josh is not much into the traveling idea, so it will be harder to make it happen on my own, but I will. Have an amazing time! JenniferAshley

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