
I’m grabbing a quick moment while the house is quiet to jot down a few sketchy impressions of what’s been happening since finishing my school year.  The family reunion was a ‘magical’ event on June 31, July 1st and 2nd…reconnecting many wonderful people from all over, after such a long time.  I’ve tried to archive this special few days in my photo journal….a parade, camping, a family program sharing talents and a quick drive into Magrath for a picnic as well as a visit to one of my favourite hills in the Lethbridge coulees overlooking the Oldman River.  There, I was able to show my niece and nephew where I used to harvest rose hips and cactus berries.  I was thrilled to share this with my old Laurie-dog as well.  The highlight of the reunion weekend was the fact that my mother and father surprised us all by showing up, traveling all of the way from Ontario via the highway yet again. 
Here at home then, there have been many shared meals, conversation and some touring about.  We’ve spent time at Riley Park, Elbow Falls and shared stories over barbecued salmon, steak and ribs.  A busy time, but time well-spent and important to our family.  I couldn’t be happier.  After the Stampede Parade (pink font today to recognize the fact that an effort is being made to raise funds and awareness around treatments/cures of breast cancer) my sister and brother-in-law headed for Edmonton with my niece and nephew….so these next couple of days are just for Mom, Dad, me and my children. 
Somewhere in the midst of all of it, I am putting sense to the big trip that comes up for me early next week…I have a backpack, some Euros, straps for my bedroll….and I’m just now sorting out the items that I will bring along.  Recent talk that cars can not park at Gatwick has me somewhat concerned, but thinking likely I can figure a train and another meeting place all on my own.  I am an adventurer at heart and know that this trip is giving me an opportunity to reconnect with some of that innate love of the ‘unpredictable’.  I’m looking forward to seeing my daughter again…seeing Damien Rice in Brighton….traveling Italy in a whirlwind…eating olives…drinking wine….enjoying architecture….stepping into the Vatican….being in close proximity to Etna and Vesuvius…..the chapel at Assisi…..soaking up light in Tuscany and Siena….meeting my artist-friend for a trip under the channel to Paris and then grabbing a bus to Giverny…painting waterlilies on postcards….relishing moment after moment.  I will try to be in touch via internet cafes, but will likely just maintain journals until I return home and then catch my readers up at that juncture.  Wishing you all a beautiful, restful and blessed summer. 

1 thought on “Celebration

  1. Have a beautiful journey my dear friend. I will hold the fort down until you come back. Be safe…I love you.
    She Paints Blue

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